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Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign

Feeling good in our own skin is important, and being able to show off a beautiful, flawless smile is a big part of that. Not to mention, having straighter teeth means there are fewer places for bacteria to gather and allows you to eat without any problems impacting your bite.

Receiving orthodontic treatment to improve your smile is a large, yet amazing step towards boosting your oral health and your mental health. Traditional braces and Invisalign are two of the most popular means to do so. Both are reliable and very effective.

For more information about Invisalign in Edmonton, get in touch with our local dental clinic today.

What Does Orthodontic Treatment Entail?

Orthodontistry is a field of dentistry that specializes in repairing misaligned teeth and problems with your bite such as an underbite, overbite, or crossbite. These dental professionals possess an in-depth knowledge of both oral and facial anatomy. They also educate their patients about preventative measures and can help diagnose a wide variety of issues that impact our oral health.

The most common form of orthodontic treatment is braces, specifically traditional braces made of metal brackets and archwires, or clear aligner therapy.

If you’re looking to learn more about orthodontic treatment, always be sure to schedule a consultation with a dentist near you before committing to anything. Don’t hesitate to let them know if you have further questions or concerns.

Invisalign FAQ

In recent years, Invisalign has become a very popular means of orthodontics. Not only is it an effective treatment, but you won’t have to worry about feeling embarrassed about fixing your smile.

To help you make the most informed decision that you can, we’ve outlined the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign.

1. What is Invisalign, exactly?

Invisalign is a process that’s designed to straighten your teeth without a metal framework. Instead, clear aligner trays fabricated from high-quality dental plastic are used. These trays are customized to fit your oral dimensions and work by constantly exerting pressure on your teeth. In turn, this pressure stimulates bone movement and regeneration; eventually, your teeth will shift into a much healthier position.

2. Is Invisalign better than braces?

Although Invisalign is regarded as an alternative to metal braces, that doesn’t necessarily make it better. Both treatment options have their pros and cons. Ultimately, it comes down to your current dental situation, the extent of adjustments that you need, and what your dentist recommends.

To learn whether you’re an ideal candidate for either process, speak to your dentist in Edmonton.

3. What are the benefits of Invisalign?

There are multiple advantages of receiving Invisalign, including the following:

• It’s more comfortable. The plastic that’s used to make your aligners won’t irritate your enamel or gums. You won’t have to worry about scratchy brackets and archwires either.
• You can still eat and drink normally. Invisalign trays are meant to be removed during meals; you don’t need to avoid hard or crunchy foods during your treatment.
• It’s easier to maintain good oral hygiene. Again, because you can take out your trays, brushing and flossing at least twice a day is a breeze.
• Less dental checkups. Unlike traditional braces that require you to come in approximately every three to four weeks so your dentist can monitor your progress, you’ll only need to come in every six weeks.

4. What are the disadvantages of Invisalign?

You know that saying, there are two sides to the same coin? Well, the same applies to Invisalign treatment too:

• It’s more expensive.
• You must wear your aligners for at least twenty-two hours every day. Otherwise, you won’t get the results you desire.
• You need to keep your trays clean. After all, your trays are technically just another place where bacteria and food debris can build up.
• They can be easier to lose. There’s a reason why dentists tell you not to put your trays in your pocket or wrap them up in a napkin!

5. What does the Invisalign process look like?

You’ll need to come in for at least two separate appointments. The first visit consists of an oral examination and a series of x-rays. This helps your dentist establish a baseline of your oral health and identify the type of care you require.

Next, they’ll take impressions of your teeth and gums. These are sent to the dental lab where your trays are made. It takes about two to three weeks for them to be fashioned; once they’re ready, you’ll return to receive them, and your treatment will officially begin.

6. Is Invisalign only for teenagers?

No! This orthodontic treatment is not exclusive to any demographic.

Are you interested in receiving Invisalign near you? At Impressions Dental, we’ve got you covered. Our staff is here to walk alongside you on your dental journey. Call, come in, or visit our website to get started. We look forward to working with you!