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  • Monday: 1pm – 7pm
  • Tues – Thurs: 9am – 5pm
  • Friday: 9am – 3pm
  • Saturday: By Appointment
  • Sunday : Closed

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Tips to Avoid Any Dental Emergency

A dental emergency is a situation that requires an urgent visit to a dentist near you. Our dentists at Impression Dental have seen a variety of emergencies relating to sports or other activities. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent these situations and their stress.

A few tips to help you avoid having to visit an emergency dentist in Edmonton include:

  • Brush regularly

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine will help prevent any infections, decay, or other dental issues that may cause an emergency. Ensure you brush your teeth twice daily for at least 2 minutes with a soft-bristled brush. Use toothpaste with fluoride to help strengthen your tooth enamel and help prevent cavities. Replace your toothbrush every few months to ensure the bristles are still cleaning your teeth properly. Add a mouthwash to your routine to help remove any additional bacteria from building up inside your mouth.

In addition, visit your Edmonton dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. Having a good routine at home is not enough to prevent dental issues, and professional cleaning will ensure all bacteria and debris is removed from your smile. It will also allow the dentist to find any infections or cavities that could lead to an emergency.

  • Floss often

Begin flossing at least once a day to remove plaque and food particles stuck in your teeth. If you do not enjoy using traditional floss, opt for other methods such as a Waterpik or another type of flosser.

  • Eat better meals

Limiting your sugar intake and starchy foods will help reduce oral bacteria that may cause cavities. Many foods will also support and strengthen your teeth. Having a healthy diet will help promote your oral health and prevent issues that could require a visit to the dentist.

  • Wear a mouthguard

If you play sports or participate in any high-contact activity, wearing a mouth guard will add a layer of protection to your smile. Mouth guards are made to protect your teeth, gums, lips, and tongue from trauma. It may help limit the risk of injuries, such as broken teeth, nerve damage or tooth loss.

  • Quench your thirst

Having a dry mouth will increase the chance of developing gum disease. Keeping your mouth moisturized will help rinse our bacteria and prevent chances of decay. In addition, opt for sugar-free foods and candy to prevent a dry mouth and excess saliva.

  • Do not be afraid of visiting your dentist

Dental fear may stop you from receiving the care you need and visiting an emergency dentist near you. It may also interfere with regular dental visits for cleanings and checkups, which help prevent issues that lead to emergencies.

At Impression Dental, we understand visiting a dentist can be scary. One of our priorities is to ensure our patients are comfortable during their appointment. If you need additional information or any help during your visit, do not hesitate to let us know!

  • Address your dental issues right away

If your teeth have been damaged, ensure you take care of the issue as soon as possible. Putting off treatments may worsen the issue and result in tooth loss or other situations. Visiting a dentist promptly after an emergency will ensure your tooth is saved and you do not experience any long-term discomfort.

Emergency Dentistry in Edmonton

Our dentists offer many services to help you during a dental emergency. We understand it can be anxiety-inducing and highly stressful to be in a situation you cannot control. If you find yourself in an emergency, try to remain calm and contact Impression Dental. Our staff will be happy to assist you and book an urgent appointment.