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How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Invisalign is an excellent alternative to traditional metal braces, especially for those who wish to straighten their teeth without dealing with the obvious signs of metal brackets and wires in their smile. When our patients at Impression Dental choose to get Invisalign in Edmonton, they often ask how long their treatment will take. Read on to learn the answer.

What is Invisalign?

It is important to understand what Invisalign is and how it works to determine how long your treatment may take. Invisalign near you uses a series of clear, custom-designed aligners that fit over your teeth and place gentle pressure on them to move them into the optimal position over time. You will need to switch out your aligners with a new set every one to two weeks for gradual and notable results and wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day.

Invisalign vs. Metal Braces

While metal braces are bonded to your teeth and stay on for as long as your dentist in Edmonton recommends, Invisalign aligners are clear and removable. You will need to remove your aligners when you eat and drink, as well as when you brush and floss your teeth. This means that you won’t have to worry about avoiding hard or crunchy foods like you would if you had traditional metal braces and that you won’t have to learn how to navigate around irritating wires and brackets when brushing and flossing.

Additionally, those with metal braces are expected to make appointments with a dentist near you every couple of weeks to get their braces tightened, so their teeth continue to move in the right direction. However, with Invisalign, you are already given the aligners to change out and keep up the momentum with your treatment. You will need to clean your aligners the same way one would need to clean their retainer.

Invisalign aligners offer patients a discreet and convenient way to achieve a healthy and radiant smile that will boost their confidence and enhance their appearance.

Factors That Influence the Length of Treatment

With any orthodontic treatment, the length will depend on how severe your bite misalignment is and how many corrections are needed. On average, it takes about one year to complete treatment using Invisalign aligners. Keep in mind that Invisalign is best for those with problems such as gapped teeth, underbites, crowded teeth, overbites, crossbites, and open bites. Patients with severe bite problems may not benefit from Invisalign treatment and should consider choosing braces to correct their smiles.

You should also note that the time your Invisalign treatment takes will depend on your commitment to keeping your aligners in. For optimal results, you will need to commit to wearing your Invisalign aligners for at least 22 hours a day, only removing them for eating and cleaning.

Visit Impression Dental

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team of dental professionals at Impression Dental. We are happy to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan to ensure that you get the smile of your dreams. Please contact us to book your consultation today. We cannot wait to get you started on your smile transformation journey.