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Will Veneers or Whitening Help with Fluorosis Stains?

Our society has become increasingly focused on the appeal of aesthetics, especially when it comes to our teeth. Unfortunately, even if we practice good oral hygiene, not everyone is born with naturally white teeth. In fact, there are many people who are predisposed to dull, yellowing teeth due to genetic contributions. There are many options out there to help improve the appearance of our smiles, however, what about those that have something called fluorosis stains?

What are Fluorosis Stains?

Fluorosis stains are ones that occur in patients that consumed an excess of fluoride during their childhood when tooth development is most active. During this time, these stains manifest on the surface of your teeth and are characterized by a discolored, brown color. These types of stains are virtually impossible to remove through typical teeth whitening measures.

The best approach to take is one that is geared towards cosmetic dental solutions such as veneers. However, it is best to visit your cosmetic dentist to analyze and assess your teeth in specific and discern what is the best route to take.

Dental Bonding for Limited Fluorosis Stains

Depending on the types of stains on your teeth, dental bonding may be the best option to help enhance the color of your teeth. Dental bonding will cover the stains while still maintaining the look and texture of a natural tooth. Others will not be able to see that your teeth were ever stained in the first place due to the effectiveness of this method.

Dental Veneers for Extensive Fluorosis Stains

If the staining on your teeth covers most of the surface of each tooth, then it is recommended you look into porcelain veneers. You must consult with a skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist. Veneers cover the surface of each tooth, which gives you a brand-new set of teeth as a result. This method can be quite costly but is effective for covering severe stains.

It is important to remember that whichever method you select, these procedures require careful selection to ensure you are left with the results you are looking for. Getting the right procedure done can fully restore your confidence in your smile and improve your quality of life as a whole. Book a consultation today!