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Taking Care of Your Tooth After Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment in Edmonton rescues many patients from unnecessary tooth extractions every day. Modern and painless root canal procedures deal effectively with damaged and infected teeth and prevent infection from spreading and affecting patients’ general health. Root canal procedures have approximately a 95 percent success rate. A successful outcome for you depends in part on your diligence after the dentist’s work is done.

Complications, although rare, are possible. Some restorations prove to be only temporary or develop new cracks. In those cases, a new infection of the remaining pulp in your tooth is possible. Your root canal dentist in Edmonton does not want to have to re-do a root canal on your tooth. Here are six recommendations for the recovery period following your procedure, and how to speed your recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Take prescriptions as directed

While the root canal procedure itself is painless, you will experience some pain and discomfort after the anesthetic wears off. Taking your prescription as directed will help to minimize your discomfort. If you have any concerns about taking pain medication after the procedure, do let your root canal dentist in Edmonton know ahead of time so you can choose the most appropriate pain solution.

Medications prescribed for use following your procedure will also reduce the risk of infection. After undergoing the root canal to remove infected material from inside your tooth, you don’t want to go down the road of infection again.

Monitor your pain

Pain following your root canal and while you recover is normal. If pain breaks through the medication that you were prescribed or continues beyond your anticipated recovery period, get in touch with your dentist to find out if there’s anything to be concerned about.

Focus on oral hygiene

The importance of regular oral hygiene habits doesn’t change with a root canal procedure. If anything, the need to undergo a root canal to deal with infected tooth pulp should reinforce the need for diligent brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. Resume your oral hygiene regimen after a root canal procedure. During recovery, avoid putting pressure or extremely hot or cold water onto the affected tooth until you’ve healed fully.

Carefully consider the foods you eat

Your tooth, and possibly your gum around it, will be tender immediately following a root canal procedure and while the anesthetic is wearing off. Avoid particularly hot or cold foods or liquids in case the tooth is sensitive. It’s also a good time to avoid foods that are especially crunchy or hard.

Keep the pressure off

You should avoid biting or pressing down directly onto your affected tooth while recovering from your root canal procedure. If you know that you clench or grind your teeth, discuss that habit in advance with your root canal dentist in Edmonton. The dentist may recommend that you buy and use a mouthguard to protect the affected tooth and gums while you’re recovering.

Let your Edmonton dentist finish the job

A completed root canal leaves you with a temporary filling in the affected tooth. The infected material was removed from your tooth and the infection was cleared from your jaw. But the solution is an incomplete one until a permanent filling or crown is in place to prevent further damage to your tooth. Your root canal dentist in Edmonton will recommend the best long term option.

Following a full recovery, you will have 100% function in your treated tooth. Your body will not miss the infected pulp that was removed from the treated tooth. Do you have an infected tooth that requires emergency dental attention or root canal treatment? For more information about root canal treatment in Edmonton, contact a dentist near you and take the first step to eliminate the pain of an infected tooth.