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Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

Dentists understand just how much people dread the words “root canal.” But dentists also know — and want you to know — that root canal therapy’s reputation as a painful procedure is outdated and wrong. Advances in dental technology, equipment, and procedures have made root canal treatment painless. Better than painless, root canal therapy is the solution for the excruciating pain of serious tooth infections.

Does root canal therapy hurt? No. Tooth infections hurt. And root canal therapy can almost instantly take away the painful symptoms of tooth infections. Anyone concerned about the painful symptoms of teeth infections should understand the facts about root canal treatment in Edmonton so they can make decisions for their health based on facts rather than dusty myths.

Just what is root canal treatment in Edmonton?

The inside of your teeth is made up of an area called the pulp chamber and a root canal. The root canal contains three components: connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. When a serious tooth infection penetrates the interior of your tooth, that pulp chamber and the materials in the root canal can become inflamed and even fill with pus. THAT hurts.

Root canal treatment in Edmonton removes that pain by opening the infected tooth and removing the inflamed pulp from inside your tooth. After the infected material has been extracted from the inside of your tooth, a dentist near you will clean the interior of the tooth and seal it up to prevent future infection. Removing the infected material from inside the tooth has three primary results: it removes and prevents the spread of infection, it eliminates the source of your tooth pain, and it saves the tooth from being extracted.

Once you have fully recovered from your root canal procedure, you and your dentist in Edmonton will work together to design and place a permanent crown to protect your tooth from future infection, and to restore all tooth function. As long as you re-emphasize your oral health routines — brushing, flossing, and regular dental care — the root canal will be a permanent solution for your infected tooth.

Root canal treatment in Edmonton is a painless procedure

Your infected tooth and the area surrounding it will be completely numbed during root canal treatment. You will not feel anything while the procedure is taking place. Once the procedure is complete and the infection has been drained away, you will immediately notice the absence of pain caused by your tooth infection.

Like an extraction, you will experience some discomfort after the anesthetic wears off and while recovering from your root canal. Your dentist will provide you with detailed instructions about how to ensure your complete recovery. Any pain you do feel can be addressed with over the counter painkillers such as Advil or Ibuprofen.

Some tips for a full and fast recovery from root canal treatment

● Don’t eat right away

● Elevate your head when lying down

● Gargle with warm salted water

● Use cold compresses to keep swelling down

● Avoid drinking hot drinks, smoking, using straws, and drinking alcohol while recovering

● Take a couple of days off from sports and physical labour

● Anticipate sensitivity to heat and cold for a week or two

● Contact your dentist in Edmonton if you experience significant pain, bleeding, swelling, or any fever after undergoing root canal treatment in Edmonton.

Minor toothaches are common and can often be resolved by at-home remedies. Persistent and worsening toothaches can indicate the presence of infections that, if they spread, can become a serious threat to your oral and overall health. A root canal is an effective and painless solution for severely infected teeth — one that will release you from pain. If you’re experiencing significant tooth pain, contact a dentist in Edmonton and ask how they can help.