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What Should You Do If Your Dental Crown Becomes Loose or Falls Out?

Dental crowns are used to fix any previously severe cavities or fractured teeth. While they aren’t indestructible, with appropriate care, you can expect your dental crown to survive for at least 10 to 15 years. However, a loose or missing crown is a common issue that people do encounter. Call a dentist near you as soon as possible in this circumstance. Then continue reading to learn why this occurs and how to handle it until help arrives.

Why Do Dental Crowns Become Loose?

Several factors could cause a dental crown to come loose or fall out, including:

  • Age: getting dental crowns in Edmonton has a limited lifespan, as was already established. They eventually need to be replaced due to wear and tear, just as almost all dental work. If you’ve had your crown for more than 10 to 15 years, a replacement may be necessary.
  • A cavity: Although a dental crown cannot develop a cavity on its own, the tooth structure beneath it can. That tooth structure can no longer support the crown the way it once could if a cavity eats away at it; as a result, the crown eventually becomes loose or comes off.
  • Grinding and clenching: at night can cause significant damage to your teeth and dental work. Without a nightguard, the constant pressure can eventually cause dental crowns to become loosened.

What You Should Do If Your Dental Crown Becomes Loose?

Since they can break off while you’re chewing, dental crowns are readily ingested. If something feels off, stop what you’re doing and feel around your mouth and see if you can get the crown. Then, to prevent losing it, place it in a plastic sandwich bag. Call your dentist to set up an appointment.

Rinse the crown, being careful not to drop it, and let it dry if you want to attempt putting it back on. Then, to reattach it to your tooth, use a tiny dab of dental cement from the drugstore, denture adhesive, or toothpaste. Never use any other kind of glue or adhesive since it may harm your tooth and crown and make the dentist’s job more difficult.

Nobody wants to deal with dental crowns that are damaged, defective, or deteriorating. But with these pointers, you’ll be able to quickly restore your grin.

How Does a Dentist Treat a Loose Dental Crown?

A dentist will either re-cement it or arrange a visit to have a new one manufactured after determining the cause of the crown coming off and examining the tooth underneath. You’ll only need to visit the dentist once rather than twice if they provide easy one-visit dental crowns near you.

A dentist in Edmonton can easily re-cement a loose dental crown if the crown is undamaged and the tooth beneath it is healthy. A new dental crown must be made and fitted by your dentist if the existing one is damaged and cannot be repaired.

How to Prevent Loose Dental Crown?

Despite the strength of the material used to make dental crowns, cement has limited holding power. No matter how much care you take, older crowns eventually need to be re-cemented. Use caution while eating foods that are sticky or hard and practice appropriate oral hygiene practices, including brushing twice daily and flossing, to get the most out of your dental crown. A mouth guard may be advised by your dentist if you grind or clench your teeth.

Of course, it’s equally important that you keep up with your regular dental checkups. Call  Impression Dental today to learn more and arrange for your subsequent dental examination.