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  • Monday: 1pm – 7pm
  • Tues – Thurs: 9am – 5pm
  • Friday: 9am – 3pm
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What is Gingival Contouring?

A smile is often the first thing you notice about a person. So when cosmetic issues appear, they can hurt our confidence and ability to show our best selves. One cosmetic issue you may encounter is gums that are too high or too low. However, this can be easily fixed by your dentist in Edmonton with gingival contouring.

What is gingival contouring?

Gingival contouring is a procedure that will help adjust you’re out of place gums into a more ascetically pleasing position. Out of place, gums include a gum line that has receded too high and may be showing the roots of your teeth. It can also include a gum line that is far too low, making it cosmetically displeasing.

The procedure involves laser technology that will move your gum tissue accordingly. Before the procedure begins, a numbing agent is applied allowing for minimal pain and discomfort while the dentist operates. You will also not have to worry about too long of recovery or bleeding following treatment. This is due to the laser sealing the gum line after adjustments.

Why Do People Experience High Or Low Gums?

People may experience high or low gum lines due to genetic reasons, gum disease, or general aging, which can cause gum recession. Some of these can be prevented others are simply natural. One way to help prevent or stall the recession or overgrowing is to practice proper oral health habits. This includes brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and any other dental health products your dentists suggest.

Experiencing embarrassing dental mishaps can affect your confidence, oral health, and life in so many ways. It is certainly worth a visit to your dentist in Edmonton to get the proper care you need in order to move on.