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Teething Troubles: How to Soothe Your Baby’s Discomfort

As your little one grows, they’ll hit many milestones, including teething. While it’s a sign of development, teething can be challenging for babies and parents alike.

Common teething issues like discomfort and pain can lead to sleepless nights and cranky days. However, plenty of natural and gentle methods can help soothe your baby during this phase.

1. Chilled Teething Toys: Teething toys are a lifesaver during this time. Opt for ones chilled in the refrigerator (not frozen), as the cold can help numb the gums and alleviate pain. Make sure they are made of safe, BPA-free materials.

2. Gentle Gum Massage: Gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger. The pressure can help ease the discomfort caused by teething. You can also use a clean, damp washcloth for this purpose. Just make sure your hands are clean before touching your baby’s gums.

3. Teething Rings: Silicone or rubber teething rings are another excellent option for soothing sore gums. They provide a safe surface for your baby to chew on, and they can be chilled for relief. Look for rings with different textures to stimulate your baby’s gums.

4. Cold Foods: If your baby has started solids, offering cold foods can provide relief. Chilled fruit purees or yogurt can be soothing for sore gums. For a cool treat, you can also try freezing breastmilk or formula into popsicle moulds.

5. Teething Biscuits: Once your baby has started solids and can handle finger foods, teething biscuits can be a great option. Look for ones made with natural ingredients and no added sugars. Gnawing on the biscuit can help relieve teething pain while satisfying your baby’s urge to chew.

6. Distraction: Sometimes, the best way to deal with teething discomfort is to distract your baby. Engage them in interactive play, walk in the stroller, or spend time reading together. Keeping your baby occupied can help take their mind off the discomfort.

7. Comforting Touch: Sometimes, all your baby needs is extra cuddles and comfort. Hold them close, sing to them, or rock them gently. The soothing motion can help calm them down and make them feel more secure during this challenging time.

8. Natural Remedies: Some parents swear by several natural remedies for teething relief. Chamomile tea, diluted and cooled, can be dabbed on the gums with a clean finger or applied to a washcloth for your baby to suck on. Just make sure to consult with your pediatrician before trying any herbal remedies.

9. Over-the-counter Options: If your baby struggles with teething pain, you can consider over-the-counter options like infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen. However, consult your pediatric dentist near you first to ensure you use the correct dosage for your baby’s age and weight.

10. Patience and Understanding: Remember, teething is a temporary, challenging phase. Be patient with your baby and yourself during this time. Understand that they’re going through discomfort and may be more fussy than usual. Offer them plenty of love and reassurance as they navigate this milestone.

Parting Words

Teething can be a trying time for babies and parents, but plenty of gentle and natural methods can help soothe your little one’s discomfort. From chilled teething toys to comforting cuddles, there are numerous ways to provide relief during this phase. Remember to be patient and understanding, and always prioritize your baby’s comfort and well-being.

Impression Dental offers specialized care to alleviate your child’s dental discomfort. With gentle techniques and a child-friendly environment, we ensure a positive experience. From routine check-ups to teething relief, trust our dental clinic in Edmonton to support your child’s dental health every step of the way. Your child’s comfort is our priority.