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Pros And Cons of Night Guards

Bruxism is a condition where you involuntarily clench and grind your teeth while sleeping at night. Bruxism is often caused by stress, and if not addressed, can cause long-term oral health problems.

If you are a habitual grinder and clencher, you are likely experiencing some pain in your mouth and around your jaw. Because of this pain, you decide to visit your dental clinic in Edmonton, and your dentist near you recommended that you wear a night guard. But with an expensive price tag of up to $800, you might be worried you cannot afford it.

Not to worry, here are some ways you can get a night guard without breaking the bank.

Why do Night Guards Cost so Much?

There is no doubt that you need mouthguards and night guards in Edmonton to protect your teeth and jaw from the force of nighttime grinding. Untreated bruxism can lead to fractured teeth, tooth wear/loss, lost fillings, and poor sleep quality.

Mouthguards and night guards near you vary in price and style. A one-size-fits-all night guard can be purchased from any pharmacy for about $20 but will not be as comfortable in your mouth as a custom-made mouthguard. If your bruxism is caused by sleep apnea or a poor bite, then your dentist may justify the cost of a custom-made mouthguard to address these problems.

Custom-made night guards are made to fit your specific mouth structure and provide optimal protection and comfort. However, getting a custom night guard requires multiple visits to the dentist and impressions that must be sent to a dental laboratory, driving up the cost.

Pros and Cons of Getting a Custom-Made Night Guard

Knowing all of your options could save you money and frustration in the long run. Here are some of the pros and cons of getting a mouthguard from your dentist:


  • Adjustments– if your mouthguard requires adjustments, you can make an appointment with your dentist to get the guard to fit better.
  • Special mouthguards- as mentioned before, bruxism can be caused by other conditions such as sleep apnea or a misaligned bite. Getting a mouthguard from your dentist is the best way to find a solution for these conditions. Your dentist will be able to properly assess your condition and provide you with the right type of dental appliance to ease your symptoms.


  • Cost- unfortunately, custom-made night guards are expensive, and they aren’t always covered by insurance.
  • Pain- if you have jaw pain resulting from bruxism, you may find it very painful to open your mouth wide, making large dental impressions more painful.
  • Wait time- any custom-made dental device takes time to manufacture, so you may have to deal with painful symptoms for a while before your device is ready for use.

Affordable Alternatives

If you are struggling with bruxism but cannot afford a custom-made night guard, you can get temporary night guards that provide you with relief without breaking the bank. Here are some of the advantages that temporary night guards offer:

  • No impressions
  • Works with braces
  • Moldable
  • Custom-fit to your mouth
  • Under $50

Do not let cost stop you from getting a night guard. Letting bruxism go untreated can cause dental damage that will exceed the cost of a night guard. If you are interested in your options for night guards, contact our team at Impression Dental. We are happy to work with you to find an affordable and effective option to alleviate your symptoms.