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  • Monday: 1pm – 7pm
  • Tues – Thurs: 9am – 5pm
  • Friday: 9am – 3pm
  • Saturday: By Appointment
  • Sunday : Closed

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Finding Relief: How Night Guards Ease TMJ Pain

Finding Relief: How Night Guards Ease TMJ Pain

Have you been experiencing jaw pain or discomfort, especially when you wake up in the morning? It could be a sign of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. But don’t worry—there’s a simple and effective solution that can bring you relief: night guards. Night guards are custom-designed dental devices specifically made to ease TMJ-related discomfort, especially during […]

Is Sleeping With A Mouth Guard On, A Good Idea?

You’ve probably heard of mouthguards, particularly when it comes to your favourite players. Athletes of all ages, from youngsters to professionals, wear mouthguards to protect their teeth from physical contact during a practice or game. Athletic mouthguards, however, are not the only types of mouthguards available. Other mouthguards can help prevent bruxism (teeth grinding), sleep […]

Pros And Cons of Night Guards

Bruxism is a condition where you involuntarily clench and grind your teeth while sleeping at night. Bruxism is often caused by stress, and if not addressed, can cause long-term oral health problems. If you are a habitual grinder and clencher, you are likely experiencing some pain in your mouth and around your jaw. Because of […]