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Can an Old Dental Filling Be Replaced?

As unfortunate as it is, almost everyone will develop a cavity eventually. When you develop a cavity in your tooth, the most effective way to treat it is through dental fillings. While dental fillings near you are a very effective solution to cavities, they do not last forever and require replacing eventually. Read more to find out how long dental fillings last and when they should be replaced.

What is the Lifespan for Dental Fillings?

The amount of time that dental fillings last depends on the type of material used. For example, gold dental fillings can last up to thirty years, whereas porcelain or ceramic fillings last about seven years. Of course, your fillings may last longer than these periods, but regardless, they will eventually need replacement. At Impression Dental, we oer our patients options for dental fillings in Edmonton.

When Do Dental Fillings Need to Be Replaced?

Even if you have passed the typical threshold for how long your dental filling should last, our dentist near you will not replace the filling unless it is damaged or worn. If an old dental filling is in perfect shape, there is no reason to put you through the discomfort and cost of replacing it.

However, there are circumstances in which a dental filling needs to be replaced, including:

  1. The dental filling gets lost: if your filling, or any dental restoration for that matter, falls out, it is important to replace it as soon as possible. If you leave the filling out for too long, bacteria can get trapped in the tooth, and the cavity can spread, leading to serious complications, including tooth loss.

  2. Your dental filling is leaking: it may surprise some individuals to find out that it is possible for a dental filling to leak after it has been placed on the tooth. Signs of a leak include tooth sensitivity to hot or cold substances that lasts longer than a couple of weeks. If you notice a lot of sensitivity after your dentist in Edmonton places a dental filling, please get in touch with them as soon as possible to rectify the situation.

  3. Your dental filling is cracked: if you have a cracked dental filling, you may notice some tooth sensitivity, but a lot of patients don’t notice until they visit our team at Impression Dental for their bi-annual professional dental cleaning and checkup, and we notice it on an x-ray. If this is the case, our team will replace the cracked filling to ensure your tooth remains protected from bacteria.

  4. Your dental filling is worn: it is inevitable that at some point, your dental filling will become too worn to adequately protect your teeth. Our dentist will check on all your existing dental fillings during your routine dental exams to ensure that they are still in excellent condition or find out if they require replacement.

How Many Times Can a Single Dental Filling Be Replaced?

There is no hard and fast rule about how many times you can replace a dental filling. Most of the time, we will stop replacing a dental filling after the cavity is too large. Once your tooth is made up of more filling material than the natural structure, your tooth will no longer be strong. In this instance, we may recommend that you get a dental inlay or onlay or even a dental crown to reinforce and protect your tooth.

If you need a dental filling, please do not hesitate to contact our team at Impression Dental to book your appointment today.