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5 Reasons to Consider Getting Botox

Aging is an inevitable process that we must all go through at some point. Your face and neck are the areas where wrinkles and fine lines are most prominent.

Wrinkles are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and diet. If you are concerned with the appearance of your skin, visit a Botox clinic in Edmonton. This cosmetic procedure can boost your self-confidence and improve the texture of your skin. Not only that, but Botox has also been used for years to treat various medical conditions effectively. Continue reading to learn more about the five amazing benefits Botox can offer you today.

(1) Non-Surgical

Almost everyone wants to have youthful and flawless skin, but the thought of going under the knife sounds like a scary experience. The good news is, Botox is a non-surgical and minimally-invasive procedure that uses simple injections to remove:

  • Worry and frown lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Laugh lines
  • Other wrinkles (dynamic wrinkles)

Botox has fewer risks when compared to cosmetic and plastic surgeries. It isn’t as invasive as a face-lift yet it offers almost the same results.

Also, Botox has no downtime, because sedatives or anesthetics aren’t used. Once you leave your dental clinic in Edmonton, you can continue your day just as you usually would. Botox is a quick fix for wrinkles and facial lines, as it is made from botulinum toxin which goes to work as soon as it comes into contact with the skin. Most cosmetic surgeries require several days or even months to heal and reveal the final results fully.

(2) Affordable

Cosmetic and plastic surgeries are expensive and cost you thousands of dollars. These procedures are time-consuming and require highly trained medical personnel and expensive equipment. Botox is one of the most affordable cosmetic procedures on the market and can cost anywhere from $170 to $350. It is typically performed through a simple injection, and the entire procedure takes only a few minutes.

(3) Clinically Proven to Be Safe

Botox has been used to treat bladder dysfunction, primary hyperhidrosis, and other medical conditions for many years. Botox has been used to correct multiple eye conditions, including strabismus and blepharospasm. Strabismus or “crossed-eyed” refers to a misalignment of the eyes and blepharospasm, also known as rapid eye blinking causes habitual twitching. When injected, Botox relaxes the eyes to correct crossed eyes temporarily. It also blocks the signals that cause rapid eye blinking.

Botox has been clinically proven for cosmetic use since 2002, so you don’t have to worry about it being unregulated. No severe side effects have ever been reported, and minor bruising is usually the only temporarily side effect after Botox. For maximum safety and results, visit your dental clinic in Edmonton.

(4) Prevents Wrinkles in The Future

Although Botox is a temporary method to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, repeated treatments can result in more relaxed facial muscles and fewer frown lines. Since Botox is used as a preventive measure, the earlier you start, the better.

(5) Smoother Skin

After using Botox, your skin will look and feel smoother, mainly as a result of a neuromodulator on your forehead. Botox therapy reduces the level of muscle activity in the face, and the neuromodulator obstructs the nerves from muscle contraction. When these nerves are weakened, your muscles will not contract and will no longer cause wrinkles or lines on your face. Botox puts underlying tissues to rest temporary allowing the skin structure to appear smoother and more flexible.

To determine your best approach to younger-looking skin, schedule a consultation at a dental clinic in Edmonton.