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The Importance Of Oral Health And Hygiene

Your oral health and hygiene habits reflect on the health of your mouth. By caring for your teeth and gums you are able to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, gum loss, and tooth loss. As research advances, more studies emphasize the significance of oral health and its impact on your overall health. Brushing and flossing is not just a preventive measure against cavities. In fact, an unhealthy mouth can increase the chances of a patient having a heart attack or stroke, and even developing diabetes and some cancers. Patients who are suffering from periodontal disease are placed at an even higher risk for developing the mentioned health issues.

Evidence supporting the correlation between poor oral health and poor overall health continues to grow stronger. By simply collecting a swab of saliva, doctors are able to determine what is going on inside of a patient’s body.

By assessing the condition of a patient’s mouth, an Edmonton dentist can detect if there are signs or symptoms of oral issues. Saliva is one of the body’s dominant defenses against organisms that cause diseases, such as bacteria and viruses. Saliva consists of antibodies which fight against viral pathogens, such as the flu or HIV.

Over five hundred species of bacteria can be found in the mouth at any given moment. This bacterium continuously forms dental plaque, a clear film that clings to the teeth and is known to be the cause of many health problems. If patients are not brushing and flossing their teeth regularly, plaque can build along the gum line. This fosters an environment for future bacteria to accumulate in the space located between the gums and the teeth. This can develop into what’s known as gingivitis, an infection that can lead to serious gum disease such as periodontists.

Patients can optimize their oral health by practicing good oral hygiene and by visiting a dental clinic in Edmonton if they are experiencing any signs of oral health issues. Patients should use the following six tips as their guideline to promoting healthy teeth and gums:

Brush twice daily: Patients should brush twice per day, preferably after every meal. Brushing the teeth should be done using a fluoridated toothpaste for a minimum of two minutes.

Floss daily: Although brushing is part of the cleaning process, a toothbrush alone cannot properly reach all the areas. Flossing is designed to remove food particles and debris between the teeth.

Use a mouthwash: The fluoride contained in mouthwash is a useful method for cavity prevention. During one minute-rinse bacteria, contaminates, and tartar buildup is washed away.

A healthy diet: Having a balanced diet can provide patients with the necessary nutrients to inhibit the formation of gum disease. Vitamins A and C, in particular, are essential to a patient’s oral health. Patients should avoid foods with excessive amounts of sugar, acidity, and foods that are hard and crunchy in texture.

Avoid cigarettes and tobacco: Smoking cigarettes and using tobacco products are proven to contribute to the development of gum disease and oral cancer.

Visit an Edmonton dentist near you: Patients should visit their family dentist in Edmonton for routine cleanings and exams every six months. A dental professional can detect early signs of gum disease and other oral issues. In addition, a dental exam can detect growth and developmental issues, jaw misalignment, and poor oral hygiene practices.