Invisalign Near You
Invisalign is an excellent alternative for patients seeking to straighten their teeth without the discomfort of metal brackets and wires. With Invisalign treatment, a series of clear trays are created and worn by the patients and changed out every 2 weeks. The trays move the teeth comfortably until they are in proper alignment. This option offers flexibility, aesthetics, and convenience.
Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces
When faced with choosing between going the route of Invisalign or braces, it can be difficult to make a decision as both treatments have their pros and cons. Traditional braces are more effective when treating complex cases, or for individuals who prefer not to have the responsibility of maintaining and wearing trays. However, Invisalign near you is an alternative method used to help straighten teeth with the convenience of clear trays as opposed to metal wires and brackets. When faced with this decision, it’s best to visit your dentist to weigh out both options.
Invisalign Fits Your Lifestyle
Invisalign offers patients flexibility. Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign won’t interfere with any of your daily activities! It can be worn during any activity and can be removed when needed.
Braces Have Limitations
While wearing traditional braces you are limited from eating certain types of foods such as candy, popcorn, and nuts. When wearing Invisalign trays you have the freedom to eat any foods you desire because they are removable. While the Invisalign trays are off, you are able to brush and floss your teeth without the inconvenience of cleaning around brackets and wires, so you are able to maintain your dental routine without any issues.
Invisalign Cost
The cost of Invisalign treatment varies by case and the duration of wear necessary to achieve straight teeth. Many patients are able to afford Invisalign by taking advantage of dental insurance plans, flexible payment plans, and other orthodontic coverage made available to them.
Contact your dental clinic in Edmonton at Impression Dental for a free consult and see if Invisalign is a fit for you!