These are several scenarios that should trigger a call to an emergency dentist near you as soon as possible. The staff taking your call may ask you some questions to try and narrow down what’s going on and to help recommend whether you need emergency attention or an early appointment with your regular dentist may be enough.
- See an emergency dentist in Edmonton if you have the symptoms of an infection in your mouth: swelling, fever and/or foul discharge into your mouth
- Go to an emergency dental clinic near you if you have a broken tooth. An emergency dentist will be able to help you with the pain, and may even be able to save and restore that tooth.
- Unexplained, persistent, and worsening toothaches can indicate gum disease, infections, or an abscessed tooth.
- Any sudden onset of a toothache or pain in your mouth
- If you have continuous bleeding gums, especially with any swelling and pain, you need to see an emergency dentist near you
- Some causes of swelling in your mouth and jaw can be extremely serious —infection, swollen lymph nodes, and even cancer. An emergency dentist can determine if your swelling is serious and act quickly if required
- If you have a metallic taste in your mouth, which can mean you have a loose filling or crown that can be a gilded invitation to infection and cavities
- If the colour of any tissues in your mouth — gums, for example — are changing
- If one tooth suddenly becomes much darker than neighbouring teeth, especially if you’re also experiencing any symptoms of infection or the sudden onset of pain or a toothache
On the other hand, what is not a dental emergency?
Minor stains and discolouration affecting your teeth are cosmetic issues, not emergencies. They may even feel like urgent cosmetic issues, but they don’t warrant getting in touch with an emergency dentist near you. Wait for regular clinic hours and reach out to your general dentist.
If you suffer a minor chip to your tooth, but aren’t experiencing any pain, that’s likely not an emergency. Rather than calling an emergency dentist near you, call your dentist when they open up again and let them know what happened. We do understand that, in moments of stress, it can be difficult to discern the difference between a “minor chip” and a more serious situation. When in doubt, call an emergency dentist and let them help you decide how urgent the situation is.
Who should you call?
As familiar as you are with the location of your local hospital emergency room — and that’s a good thing — the emergency room is not usually the best place to call in the case of a dental emergency. The staff at an emergency room will be able to help with pain and bleeding, but won’t be able to treat your teeth. You’ll be sent to your dentist for treatment of your teeth.
Rather than calling the emergency room at a hospital in case of a dental emergency, call an emergency dentist near you. If, for whatever reason you don’t have access to an emergency dentist or if the emergency dentist recommends you to go to a hospital, by all means go to the hospital. Your first call, though, should be to an emergency dentist.
Do you know how to reach an emergency dentist near you? Call a dental clinic in Edmonton and ask what emergency services they offer and, when you find one conveniently located for you, put their number on the fridge or in your cell phone. Fingers crossed, you’ll never need it. But if you do, you’ll be one step closer to getting the help you need.