Generally speaking, most individuals have one set of primary (baby) teeth and one set of permanent (adult) teeth, meaning they have two sets in total. A child has 20 primary teeth which are replaced by 32 permanent teeth over time. Primary teeth have more than one function, other than aiding a child in chewing and speech; they also preserve space in the jaws for the eruption of permanent teeth. Factors such as genetics can affect the ages at which a child’s permanent teeth erupt and replace the missing primary teeth.
What Are Permanent Teeth and How Do You Care for Them?
The first permanent molars are expected to come in between six and seven, hence why they are called the “Six-year molars.” They are extra permanent teeth and won’t replace existing primary teeth. This means they should be cared for correctly as they are intended to last for life. It is crucial to brush and floss to eliminate food particles and plaque on the teeth and in between the teeth. Biannual check-ups at your dental clinic in Edmonton can detect issues early on before they have a chance to worsen. Also, be sure to use fluoride toothpaste with a CDA seal of acceptance.
Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth)
Wisdom teeth also referred to as third molars are the last of the permanent teeth that erupt in your mouth. Around the ages of seventeen and twenty-one, wisdom teeth will begin to erupt and push through your gums. Wisdom teeth aren’t required for chewing, and due to their location, they can complicate your oral hygiene routine. You must visit your dentist in Edmonton regularly or as soon as you notice a wisdom tooth has emerged in your mouth. Wisdom teeth can become impacted (trapped underneath your gums) and depending on your circumstances; your dentist may suggest removal to prevent future complications.
Caring for primary and permanent teeth is of paramount importance. Just as permanent teeth serve a vital role, so do primary teeth. Children’s baby teeth can damage developing permanent teeth beneath them when they are not cared for properly. Use the proper brushing technique and visit a dental clinic near you every six months for optimal oral health.